storm tide中文什么意思

发音:   用"storm tide"造句
  • storm:    n. 1.暴风雨,暴风雪,大雪雨,大 ...
  • tide:    n. 1.潮,潮汐,涨潮时。 2.消 ...
  • tide, storm:    暴潮
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  1. From the understanding of the conceptual framework for natural vulnerability , the paper analyzes with deep insight into the impacting factors of the natural - system to sea - level change , on the one hand , the coast would be susceptibility to the changes including the short - term sea - level changes such as tide , storm tide , el nino and the long - term sea - level rise . the overlap of this two changes would increase the coastal natural - system vulnerability
    文章从海岸自然脆弱性概念框架出发,深入分析了海岸自然脆弱性的影响因素:一方面海岸自然体系对海平面变化具有“敏感性” ,海平面变化包括短期的海面波动,如潮汐、风暴潮、厄尔尼诺等,还包括长期的海平面上升,海平面上升和短期海面变化叠加将加剧海岸带的“敏感性” 。


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